Monday, January 17, 2011

Big Girl's Blouse.

Can't believe how emotional a big lad such as I is today! I'm crying at the drop of a hat, and as luck would have it, everyone I know seem to be flinging their hats to the ground today!  :¬)

It's been a bad week, what with Peggy throwing off her mortal coil, me getting H1N1, and Rob fecking off to Oz! I AM DRAINED!

But tomorrow is another day, another start, I might just get back to the gym, even if it's only for a swim!

I am feeling a bit better, all that sleeping and not eating has taken pounds off, what a slimmer rockstar I should look like, you would think?

Happy Monday my friends! 

Much Love.  :¬)



  1. Hm. Me too with the tears today. :-(

    Glad you are feeling better. Keep resting lots and don't overdue the gym. Don't need to knock yourself back on your ass.

    Much love (and thanks) to you too. xoxoxo

  2. oh, the hanging on of the h1n1 - while i dutifully received the dreaded injection [not really into needles]to prevent my being attacked by that particular bug, i did, last month, however, fall prey to another bug - the name of which i am unsure - all i am sure of is that it attacked - it stayed and did not wind its way out of my body until it was good and ready - which was several weeks later - so, you've all my empathy and sympathy, dear map - and as for the teary eyes, those, too, seem to be making their rounds with me and everyone i know - perhaps they come along on the back of still another pesky little bug which will come, stay a while and then fly away to leave us as we were - bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and happy! let us hope! let us hope! in the meantime, you, your bug, your tears, are all in my caring thoughts! ;)

  3. oh, and on that swim thing - i'll be right there in the lane beside you!!! ;)

  4. Good Lord! Tears over here, too! It must be January. Such a dark, cold month. Hang in there, everyone. These gray skies have to break at some point.

  5. sleeping and not eating? It's the other way round for me...

  6. Ah, so many troubles at once. Why is it that way? Even the skies are gray...

    Hope you are feeling more yourself....

